Hear what people are saying...

"I have successfully achieved XYZ because of [freebie name]"
Start your testimonial off with an extract of the strongest line and then add the full testimonial underneath...it shouldn't be an essay. Put the name and business at the end, not at the beginning.
Name, Business

"I have successfully achieved XYZ because of [freebie name]"
Start your testimonial off with an extract of the strongest line and then add the full testimonial underneath...it shouldn't be an essay. Put the name and business at the end, not at the beginning.
Name, Business
In this freebie XYZ you'll learn my 3 secret tips to [desired outcome]
Summary of what they'll learn from Tip 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante mi, mattis non vulputate blandit, semper ac tellus.
Summary of what they'll learn from Tip 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante mi, mattis non vulputate blandit, semper ac tellus.
Summary of what they'll learn from Tip 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante mi, mattis non vulputate blandit, semper ac tellus.